
I desperately need help. Can someone help me? Thanks.

I copy the log output here. As you can see, thread 3 and 5 are handling the same addRef.do request for the same session.

[DEBUG] (Thread-3) TransactionFilter: session 08A98E9D18703D2F3B44E81975F4B387 transaction impl.TransactionContext@40f3c1 request URL /addRef.do
[INFO] (Thread-3) Joining transaction...
[DEBUG] (Thread-3) Get into class servlet.AddRefAction:doPost request=org.apache.coyote.tomcat4.CoyoteRequestFacade@749ebc
[DEBUG] (Thread-3) request url: /addRef.do
[DEBUG] (Thread-5) TransactionFilter: session 08A98E9D18703D2F3B44E81975F4B387 transaction impl.TransactionContext@40f3c1 request URL /addRef.do
[DEBUG] (Thread-3) Submitted parameters:
[DEBUG] (Thread-3) param: _action value: OK
[DEBUG] (Thread-3) param: users value: uitest.Power_User:1041623306967 uitest.User:1041623306968
[INFO] (Thread-5) Joining transaction...
[DEBUG] (Thread-3) param: contextId value: 8
[DEBUG] (Thread-5) Get into class servlet.AddRefAction:doPost request=org.apache.coyote.tomcat4.CoyoteRequestFacade@618565
[DEBUG] (Thread-3) param: cancel value: Cancel
[DEBUG] (Thread-5) request url: /addRef.do
[DEBUG] (Thread-5) param: _action value: OK
[DEBUG] (Thread-5) param: users value: uitest.Power_User:1041623306967 uitest.User:1041623306968
[DEBUG] (Thread-5) param: contextId value: 8
[DEBUG] (Thread-5) param: cancel value: Cancel
[DEBUG] (Thread-3) popContext 8
[DEBUG] (Thread-3) Redirect to /jsp/edit.jsp?contextId=7&&model=uitest.User_Group&eo=uitest.User_Group:1041623306969

From: "hacking bear" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Reply-To: "Tomcat Users List" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Duplicate servlet invocation on a single request
Date: Fri, 03 Jan 2003 01:10:25 -0800


I get this interesting behavior. I have HTML forms which posts to servlets, in the order like

form1.jsp --post-> MyServlet1 --redirect-> form2.jsp
--post-> MyServlet2 --redirect-> form1.jsp

Each servlet looks like following:

class MyServletX extends HttpServlet {
// complete re-entrant, no share access
public doPost(request, response) {
log.debug("entering "+getClass());
// ... process the request, nothing written out
String redirectUrl = ....

There is also a filter invoked in each step which simply sets a variable and pass to the next.

But when form2.jsp is submited, Tomcat (latest release 4.1) invokes MyServlet2 twice in different threads for this same request, as evident from the log output. Further if I ran tomcat in debugger and place breakpoint in doPost, this would not happen (I have yet to try putting a sleeping timer in it). And making the servlet SingleThreadModel does not help. While I don't know if this is a threading problem in tomcat, invoking the servlet twice on the same requst is real problem.

I searched through the mailing list archive, I read that request would not be handled by two threads, which I assumed was the case.

So what went wrong here? In circumstance would the request being processed twice?


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