Hi to all, 

I am new to this list and i need your help,
 I have the following problem, 

1 Case: 
I have created a project which contains 2 jsp,  and some entity beans.
I have created a ear file which contains both war, jar files.  when the ear
is deployed to tomcat which is inside 
jboss application server i can call from my jsp the entity bean and get the
proper information. 

2 Case: 
Create a war file and deploy it to Jacarta-Tomcata 4.1.12 ()

The jar file which contains the entity bean is deployed to JBOSS. 
When I call my entity bean from my  JSP I get the message:

javax.NamingNofFoundException , Name "My Entity Bean " is not bound in this

I have created a jndi.definitions file with the following values  deployed 
java.naming.factory.initial = org.jnp.interfaces.NamingContextFactory
java.naming.factory.url.pkgs = org.jboss.naming:org.jnp.interfaces
java.naming.provider.url = jnp://localhost:1099

>From my System.out I can see that the value of the first key is
:java.naming.factory.initial = org.apatche.naming.java.javaUrlContexFactory 
which is different with the one I have set, the other two are set Ok.

Please help 

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