
I'am facing a problem with JK2 and virtual hosting.
Configuration : Tomcat 4.1.18/Apache 2.0.43/JK2 2.0.2/Windows 
2000 SP3.

As said in previous messages and in some documentation, it's 
possible to configure URI mapping with JK2 in Apache 
httpd.conf file (as with mod_jk). There exist JkUriSet to do 
This directive work well, except when use with virtual host 
and same context. It seems that JkUriSet directive doesn't  
include hostname in internal configuration.
Does anyone has encountered same problem or does anyone knows 
how to resolve it?

Thanks in advance for any response.

==== Following a longer explanation of the problem ===

Let's say I've got a /samples context in www.srv1.com and 
www.srv2.com host (correctly defined in Tomcat and Apache).
I defined two workers for JK2 (local_1 and local_2). I put the 
following directive in httpd.conf : 

<VirtualHost *>
    ServerName www.srv1.com
#    ... others directives for this host

    <Location /samples>
        JkUriSet worker ajp13:local_1

<VirtualHost *>
    ServerName www.srv2.com
#    ... others directives for this host

    <Location /samples>
        JkUriSet worker ajp13:local_2

=> Results : all /samples URL are forwared to local_2, even 
requests to www.srv1.com.

Some remarks :
1. this configuration, all in workers2.properties with 
[uri:...] and without JkUriSet work very well.
2. when requesting /JkStatus, it appear that only the JkUriSet 
directive by context is used, and WITHOUT hostname

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