Set CATALINA_OPTS = "-Xmx256" or whatever you want. Either set it in your environment or at the top of catalina.bat (that's what I do).


Nathan McMinn wrote:
OK, one quick question that I'm sure anybody here but me can answer.

I am running Tomcat as a service on windows 2000 server.  I want to set some
JVM parameters when tomcat starts (things like -server, -Xmx, -Xms, etc).
Where would I go about making these changes?  I've looked through the
catalina.bat file, but is this even executed when tomcat is run as a
service?  according to the services applet in the control panel, the service
runs tomcat.exe.  Does this in turn call the startup script? Or do I need to
pass the parameters using -jvm_option to tomcat.exe?  As an aside, is there
anything that can be done to optimize tomcat for execution on a
multi-processor system?

--Nathan McMinn

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