Wait am minute.  Someone sent this guy out to "buy" some open source
software and to make sure that Tomcat is "fully compatible with ASP".  Might
this be the software equivalent of sending the new guy to get a left handed
monkey wrench?

> -----Original Message-----
> From: Leela Nanda [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
> Sent: Thursday, January 23, 2003 8:07 PM
> Subject: tomcat-server
> Dear Sir,
>                I, Leelanand Reddy hereby would like to 
> introduce myself as a Java programmer in a software 
> development firm in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia. 
> Hence I'm hereby submitting my queries for which I need a 
> detailed explanation.
> We have been developing a web based application for a reputed 
> semi-government organization in Malaysia. My application is 
> to display live information on the web pages where as the 
> live feed is a frequent flow during day hours(from 8:30am to 
> 6:30pm). The live information on the web pages is displayed 
> by "Java Swing Applets", for this currently I'm implementing 
> the "Tomcat3.2.4". But according to suggestion of 
> technologists I want to buy the  "Tomcat Server" 
> 1. So I need to know, whether "Tomcat Server" is fully 
> compatible with   ASP or not (because my web pages are 
> developed in ASP)
> 2. Can I have a price quotation for Tomcat Sever?
> 3. What is the right place (vendor)in Malaysia that I can put 
> a purchase-order for above?
> 4. Finally, whether the server can  serve number of users?
> I'm so grateful to you if you respond for this mail.
> Thanking you,
> Sincerely yours,
> Leelanand Reddy B

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