I agree with Will completely . I have found a way to solve this issue and in that process have one more doubt.

The invoke method of SingleSignOn is getting called when request for a resource is placed. The details of all the sessions that are currently associated is available inside the method. To solve my issue, what i have done is that i have retrieved all the Session objects and called the access() method so that the LastAccessed time gets updated for all the sessions when a request is placed for a particular context. This i have done it by extending the SingleSignOn and overriding the invoke method. Now if i specify my class in the server.xml i am getting an exception saying that Managed Bean not found with "MyClasssName". How should i go about specifying my class in the server.xml instead of SingleSignOn.


Will Hartung wrote:

From: "Craig R. McClanahan" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Tuesday, January 28, 2003 2:01 PM
Subject: Re: Doubt in Single Sign On !!!

True ... there is no such thing as a cross-application session defined in
the servlet spec.

You're outside the bounds of the servlet spec when you talk about this,
but nothing stops a container from providing something like it.

Yes, for example, the Tomcat Servlet Container (tm reg. us. pat. off.) has a
Single Sign On facility that's outside of the Servlet Spec, but it doesn't
behave as a consistent time out across all the webapps its supporting. :-)


Will Hartung

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