Dear all,

I've written a little servlet that gets some binairy data from my
database and shows it to the user. Basicly an image servlet. Here's some

// Set the response mime type   
// Get outputstream
ServletOutputStream output = response.getOutputStream();
// Write the byte array
byte[] data = output.write(uiElement.getByteValue());

Now I see the following errors in my application.log:

Jan 30, 2003 2:06:35 PM org.apache.jk.common.MsgAjp cpBytes
SEVERE: Buffer overflow: buffer.len=8192 pos=29 data=30988

And this in my catalina.log:

00 00 00 00 04 00 c8 00                          | ......?.

Do I have to increase that buffer size (how?) or should I place .flush()
every 8k?

Thanks in advance,
Rico Tijsen

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