Doubtful as that would be a platform specific problem.

Why can't you simply keep a copy of the JAR in the lib folder?

What happens when you hard link the JAR?

-----Original Message-----
From: Mike Johnson [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Tuesday, January 28, 2003 22:19
To: Tomcat Users List
Subject: Re: Invalid TLD resource path

Ah... Lights go on, the jar files work if they're copied, not symlinked.
So, that begs the question: is there a "Option FollowSymLinks"?


On Mon, 2003-01-27 at 23:18, Mike Johnson wrote:
> Hello all,
> I'm currently trying to upgrade from working Tomcat 4.0.x installs to
> the latest 4.1, but I've been getting the following exception on all of
> my jar files for the whole 4.1 release branch during the server startup:
> ----- Root Cause -----
> java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: Invalid TLD resource path
> /WEB-INF/lib/reports.jar
>       at
>       at
> org.apache.catalina.startup.ContextConfig.tldScan(
> -----------------------------
> (exception stops the loading of the context, but will be thrown for all
> the jars in WEB-INF/lib/*)
> This is on a freshly untar'ed binary, running on Debian unstable.
> Currently I'm on PPC and Blackdown sdk 1.3.1, but I've been getting the
> same exception on x86 and Sun's 1.4.x sdk.
> But I'm guessing by the source that there's something wrong with my
> config, the relevant part is here:
> ------------------------------
>         try {
>             URL url =
>               context.getServletContext().getResource(resourcePath);
>             if (url == null) {
>                 throw new IllegalArgumentException
>                     (sm.getString("contextConfig.tldResourcePath",
>                                   resourcePath));
>             }
> ------------------------------
> The only configuration changes I made was to add a definition in
> server.xml (from the new Tomcat tarball, not the old release):
> <Context path="/dealernet" docBase="dealernet" debug="0"
> reloadable="true" />
> The same exception happens even with this commented out... I've also
> attached my web.xml for the "dealernet" app. I appreciate any help!
> ----------------------------------------------------------------
> <?xml version="1.0" encoding="ISO-8859-1"?>
> <!DOCTYPE web-app
>     PUBLIC "-//Sun Microsystems, Inc.//DTD Web Application 2.3//EN"
>     "";>
> <web-app>
>     <!-- General description of your web application -->
>     <display-name>Dealernet</display-name>
>     <description>
>          It's great.
>     </description>
>     <context-param>
>       <param-name>webmaster</param-name>
>       <param-value>[EMAIL PROTECTED]</param-value>
>       <description>
>         The EMAIL address of the administrator to whom questions
>         and comments about this application should be addressed.
>       </description>
>     </context-param>
>     <listener>
> <listener-class>com.trinitycapital.DB.PoolContextListener</listener-class>
>     </listener>
>     <listener>
>     </listener>
>     <servlet>
>         <servlet-name>PostgreSql</servlet-name>
> <servlet-class>com.trinitycapital.dn.Container.PostgreSql</servlet-class>
>         <load-on-startup>5</load-on-startup>
>     </servlet>
>   <servlet>
>     <servlet-name>webdav</servlet-name>
>     <init-param>
>       <param-name>debug</param-name>
>       <param-value>0</param-value>
>     </init-param>
>     <init-param>
>       <param-name>listings</param-name>
>       <param-value>false</param-value>
>     </init-param>
>     <!-- Uncomment this to enable read and write access -->
>     <init-param>
>       <param-name>readonly</param-name>
>       <param-value>false</param-value>
>     </init-param>
>     <load-on-startup>6</load-on-startup>
>   </servlet>
>   <!-- The mapping for the webdav servlet -->
>   <servlet-mapping>
>     <servlet-name>webdav</servlet-name>
>     <url-pattern>/docs/*</url-pattern>
>   </servlet-mapping>
>   <session-config>
>     <session-timeout>60</session-timeout>
>   </session-config>
> </web-app>
Mike Johnson <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

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