<Host ... appBase="C:\myWebSite\webapps" name="localhost" ... >

<Context ... docBase="C:\myWebSite\webapps\projectX" path="" ... >


Copy everything in your projectX web application to C:\myWebSite\webapps\projectX. That is...


At 10:35 2003-02-05 -0500, you wrote:
I am having trouble configuring Tomcat (server.xml) to use my application, which is (and always will be) the only Java app. running on my server. I am using the "built in" web server, as I have very little traffic and virtually no static content, so coupling it with Apache is not necessary.

How do I configure Server.xml to go directly to a directory of my choosing by just typing in the name of server on the host? (I have successfully changed the port to 80 from 8080, so that is not an issue. I also changed host files on my Intranet so every box knows the name of my server)

For example, if I have a server named Titan (this is on an Intranet, not the Internet) with an application in a directory called projectX, I wish to simply launch a browser and type in http://Titan and be directed directly to my web-app's (projectX) front door. I had this working, but somehow I changed something and I am now being directed to the default Tomcat home page. I am having to type http://Titan/projectX into the address bar to get to my app.

I did add the default context as such: <Context path="" docbase="projectX" debug="0" />

What am I doing wrong?

Also, I should NEVER append /projectX/ to a file name when using a response.sendRedirect(), correct? (Ex: response.sendRedirect("/projectX/main.jsp"))
This would result in very non-portable code, right? But I DO need the slash before the file name, right? (Ex: response.sendRedirect("/main.jsp"))

Any info appreciated.


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Sean Dockery
Certified Java Web Component Developer
Certified Delphi Programmer
SBD Consultants

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