On Wed, 5 Feb 2003, David Keyes wrote:

> Date: Wed, 5 Feb 2003 12:59:41 -0500
> From: David Keyes <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> Reply-To: Tomcat Users List <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> Subject: FW: jsp:include semantics?
> Hello.
> What are the semantics of <jsp:include> in Tomcat 4.0.x?  It seems to me
> that if I jsp:include another jsp, things work fine.  But if I try to
> include a servlet (one that was registered in my web.xml, e.g. url ==
> "/mywebapp/myservlet") the servlet is treated as if it were a
> traditional resource (that is, Tomcat tries to find a file named
> "/mywebapp/myservlet"), which of course can't be found since it doesn't
> exist.
> Is this behaviour correct?  Should I be bugging the Jasper people about
> this one?  Are there any non-standards-breaking ways of getting around
> this?

The path you specify as an argument to <jsp:include> has to be context
relative.  If "/mywebapp" is the context path of your webapp, then you
should say:

  <jsp:include path="/myservlet" .../>

instead of:

  <jsp:include path="/mywebapp/myservlet" .../>

In addition, if you're using a web connector (instead of Tomcat
standalone), you'll need to tell it to forward "/myservlet" paths to
Tomcat -- this would also affect a direct requests to your servlet from a

> Thanks...
> Dave Keyes


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