I am new to this list, and I add problem retrieving archive, so sorry if
that question was already answered.
My web application was running on tomcat 3,2 and 4.0.3 it was running
well. Now that I have switch to Tomcat 4.1.18 I have a strange problem
with one of my custom tag. It seems that the local variables in the
doStartTag() method are not cleared after the tag, something is not
calling the clearProperties() method at the end of each tag. But if I
put clearProperties() inside the doStartTag(), it is working better. But
I cannot still get a random number for each image. The main idea is that
every tag on the page is using the same value for some variable. It
shouldn't happen. Any idea?
By the way, I think I can fix it by clearing each value in the
doStartTag(), but I still don't understand why is was working on Tomcat
3.2, 4.0.3 and not and 4.1.8. The specs says that the variables should
be clean with the clearProperties() after the end of the tag. Is there a
problem of configuration on my side?
Here's the code, I use the Manning "Jsp Tag Library" classes as a base.
package my.taglib.html;
import my.taglib.util.LocalStrings;
import my.taglib.util.ExTagSupport;
import java.util.Properties;
import javax.servlet.jsp.JspException;
import javax.servlet.jsp.JspTagException;
import java.util.Random;
public class DwRollTag extends ExTagSupport {
    static LocalStrings ls =
    protected String url = null;
    protected String imgid = null;
    protected String image = null;
    protected String imageOut = null;
    public void setUrl(String url) {this.url = url;}
    public void setImgid(String imgid) {this.imgid = imgid;}
    public void setImage(String image) {this.image = image;}
    public void setImageOut(String imageOut) {this.imageOut = imageOut;}
    public int doStartTag() throws JspException{
            if(null==url){url = "";}
            if(null==image){image = ""; imageOut="";}
            if(imgid == null){ imgid = getRandom();}
            if(imageOut == null){imageOut = getImageOut(image);}
            System.err.println(" image :" +  image + ", url : " + url +
", imgid : " + imgid+ ", imageOut : " + imageOut);
        try {
            pageContext.getOut().print(getImageRoll(url, imgid, image,
        } catch(java.io.IOException ioe) {
            // User probably disconnected ...
            log(ls.getStr("error"), ioe);
            throw new JspTagException(ls.getStr("error"));
        return SKIP_BODY;
    protected String getRandom(){
        Random wheel = new Random() ;
        int unique = ( wheel.nextInt() & Integer.MAX_VALUE ) %900000 +
100000 ;
        return "" + unique;
 * short version of getImageRoll, locationOut is named form the location
in + a "_over" just
 *  before the file extention
 * @param name
 * @param locationIn
 * @return
    public String getImageOut(String image){
            String imageOut;
            int length = image.length();
            int dot = image.lastIndexOf(".");
            String first = "";
            String last = ".gif";
            first = image.substring(0,dot);
            last = image.substring(dot, length);
            imageOut = first+"_over"+last;
            return imageOut;
 * getImageRoll return a typical rollover statement used by a standard
javascript function "changeImage()"
 * @param name
 * @param locationIn
 * @param locationOut
 * @return
    public String getImageRoll(String url,
                                String imgid,
                                String image,
                                String imageOut){
        String retString = "<a href=\""+url+"\"
name=\""+imgid+"\" border=\"0\" src=\""+image+"\"></a>";
        return retString;
     protected void clearProperties(){
        url = null;
        imgid = null;
        image = null;
        imageOut = null;
E. L.

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