Yes, that is correct.  To have a Realm apply only to a context, it must
declared inside the context tags.  So...

<Context ... />


<Context ...>
  <Realm ... />

Sean Dockery
Certified Java Web Component Developer
Certified Delphi Programmer
SBD Consultants

"Geoff Peters" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote in message
Sean - I didn't omit anything in my post - the serverl.xml is as it is in my
app. I think you might have inadvertently answered my question, does my
context level realm physically have to reside inside the context tag? (do I
have to put a </context> on after the realm)? I manager to get everything
working, it is authenticating the manager app against the database fine now,
and the lower level authentication works as well, I am not sure which realm
is being used where, I am going to create a new database and see that it is
working right.

Thanks for the reply!!


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