
For the most part, I have not been following your post.  But a switch case
(in Java) should be formatted as:

switch(someThing) // someThing is the piece of data you want to analyze
      case a: case b: case c:  //where a, b, and c are possible values of
someThing - format may be different depending on what type of variable
someThing is)
        /*whatever code you want to happen
        if the value of someThing
        is one of these cases*/
      case d: case e:
        /*etc until you have covered all 
        cases of possible values for someThing*/
        /*How to handle if someThing was not matched to a case, 
        usually an error handler - similar to the else in an if/else
conditional statement*/


Denise Mangano
Help Desk Analyst
Complus Data Innovations, Inc.

-----Original Message-----
From: Steve Burrus [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]] 
Sent: Monday, February 10, 2003 2:34 PM
To: Tomcat Users List; [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Subject: RE: Need help w. another jsp!

Hi Daniel, I  don't think that I have ever heard from u before--but that is
"neither here or there" :). Listen, about handling that "switch-case" block
in my code, someone suggested to me that I "wrap" the whole block in
brackets ({ }). And that would "magically" make my problems with the code go
away! Is there anything to that suggestion at all?

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