Hi Roberto,

I had a similar experience, but on a unix platform.

We had downloaded Tomcat as a .zip to W2K box (we run HP/UX and the tar.gz files are 
no good to us).

The file was unzipped, then transferred to the unix box.

The file transfer mechanism did not work correctly, and did not convert the CR/LF 
characters correctly, nor was case preserved. This showed up in the admin app with 
exactly the error you describe - because the properties files were corrupted - with 
spurious CR's and capitalisation screwed up.

Have a look at the properties files used by the admin app and verify that the names 
have not been messed up in your transfers.


-----Original Message-----
From: Roberto Rios [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Mittwoch, 12. Februar 2003 15:34
Subject: Admin Webapp Error
Importance: High

Hi all,

I am trying to use the admin module that comes with tomcat 4.1.18, and I
receive the following error message:

javax.servlet.ServletException: Cannot find message resources under key
org.apache.struts.action.MESSAGE at
at org.apache.jsp.login_jsp._jspService(login_jsp.java:188)

I did some research, and I was not able to found I solution. I never
found a direct solution, so I decided to do some tests.

First of all, the problems seems to be related with struts.

1) I have replaced "xmlParserAPIs.jar" and "xercesImpl.jar" because
someone wrote that the struts that comes with tomcat 4.1.18 has some
bugs, and do not work with earlier versions of it. So, I have downloaded
the version 2.1.0 os xerces, but it doesn't work too.

2) After that, I did some research at STRUTS mailing list, and I found
that the problem could be related with Action servlet, and some guys
recommended to put a "<load-on-startup/>" into web.xml. It doesn't
worked too.

Of course I tried to do both of them, but no success again.

I have tried to use both tomcat 4.1.18 FULL and 4.1.18 LE. I am using
j2sdk 1.4.1_01-b01, with w2k pro. I always use a fresh installation with
no modifications. I just ungzip/untar the binary distribution, then I
set the CATALINA_HOME, change the tomcat-users.xml (adding the admin and
manager roles as well an admin user).

Tomcat always works well. My applications run fine. Manager webapp works
fine too, but the admin module...

Please, some one have a solution to this problem?

Thanks in advance,

Roberto Rios

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