
we have updated from Tomcat 3.2.4 to 4.1.8 and now have problems with one of our servlets.
Under 3.2.4, this servlet send an HTTP_UNAUTHORIZED under certain circumstances and the
Browser popped up his Login-Windows. Now, under 4.1.8, the engine catches this error and
wraps an html-page around it, delivering a valid html-page instead of the HTTP-error created
by the servlet using the sendError-Method of HttpServlet.Response.

So far I was not able to find out by what configuration or mechanism the engine catches such
errors and wraps its own html-output around it. We installed the engine as binary under Linux
and added our own authentication Realm and a Valve to do some after-work-cleansing.

Can I de-activate it ('it' = the wrapping of http-error responses as html-pages)? How? Would this be
ok or bad?
Can I configure it to allow errors send by the servlet to be given straight to the client? How?
Do I have to use another method to deliver HTTP-errors instead of the standard servlet API?

Thank you in advance,

Oliver Schönwald

Oliver Schönwald, Diplom-Informatiker

Entwicklungsgruppe Lernraum Virtuelle Universität - FernUniversität Hagen
Universitätsstr.21/AVZ - 58084 Hagen
Fon: +49 2331 987 1721 - Fax: +49 2331 987

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