On Fri, 14 Feb 2003, Bryan Field-Elliot wrote:

> Date: 14 Feb 2003 11:55:46 -0700
> From: Bryan Field-Elliot <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> To: Tomcat Users List <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> Cc: Craig R. McClanahan <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> Subject: Re: JAASRealm/LoginManager questions
> I was discussing these issues with Jason Hunter, whose opinion is
> quoted:
> BFE> Craig was basically saying, don't assume any particular behavior
> which
> BFE> isn't specified in the spec. So, it's not safe to assume that it
> will
> BFE> be supported to POST to j_security_check a couple of requests
> later,
> BFE> rather than on the very next request. Bum deal.
> JH> That makes perfect sense.  The one argument you have back is that
> Tomcat
> JH> is the RI so if Tomcat does it then that's how it should be done,
> and
> JH> then ask him to make sure Tomcat does it.
> What do you say, Craig? ;)
> It really opens doors, flexibility-wise, to store the "original URL
> which triggered the authentication request" as a session attribute, and
> allow multiple requests to occur in the interim, before the authN
> request should be considered "satisfied" by a POST to j_security_check.
> It presupposes that none of these intervening requests can be protected
> by a security constraint, otherwise you'd throw the container into an
> endless loop. ;)

It's interesting but not timely, for two reasons.  First, Servlet 2.4 is
in Proposed Final Draft state, and this is not a trivial are of
functionality to start messing with.  The Servlet expet group looked at
some notions of adding programmatic login support this time around (so you
don't have to abuse and misuse form based login in the manner you propose
:-), but decided not to this time around.

Second, it's somewhat premature to address this in Servlet 2.4 anyway,
because of JSR 196 (Java Authentication Service Provider Contract for
Containers).  It is pointless to change something now and then have to
change it again in response to whatever develops there, while
incorporating the new SPI stuff into whatever follows Servlet 2.4 is a lot
more sensible.

With respect to "Tomcat is the RI so if Tomcat does it then that's how it
should be done."  I suspect he's referring to an interesting comment in
the preface of the Servlet spec.  Unfortunately, this argument falls down
on two grounds:

* Tomcat is *not* the reference implementation for the servlet
  API -- its code is the *basis* for the reference implementation.
  At this point in time, the official RI for servlet (and JSP) is
  the J2EE Reference Implementation -- whose web tier code is
  certainly based on Tomcat, but is not necessarily identical.
  So, even if an Apache Tomcat release implemented something like
  this, that doesn't automaticaly enable the "the RI does it"

* The instruction to look at the RI for guidance only applies when
  "the specification leaves the implementation of a particular feature
  open to interpretation".  That is not the case in what you are
  proposing -- what' you're propoosing is an additional feeature
  beyond the specification.

Form based login is not the right place to solve the real underlying
problem here -- what you're looking for is a way for an application to
programatically log someone in.  Trying to corrupt an algorithm designed
for interactive user authentication to accomplish this is a really lousy
way to accomplish that goal.  Building a standarized programmitic login is
the right answer.  That's just not going to be able to happen this time

In the mean time, there's a perfectly reasonable (albeit container
dependent) way to accomplish what you want in Tomcat.  And, even if Tomcat
did implement the form-based login wierdness you want, you're *still*
stuck with the fact that no other container would necessarily follow
Tomcat's lead on this.

> Thanks,
> Bryan


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