
I'm sorry I didn't see this sooner (or did you post before you purchased?).

I've installed a Thawte Certificate (one year ago), and then installed the renewal certificate again this month.

The first installation was a nightmare, because no-one seemed to know all of the required details (and you must get them ALL correct, or nothing works!)

Anyway, the technicians at Thawte finally figured the problem, and we got it working.

This time, I simply followed the same process and it worked the very first time.

I'm attaching an abbreviated step-by-step for SSL certificates using ONLY Tomcat (no Apache in the loop). This is a DOS-type BATCH file that I used on my Win2K machine to generate the appropriate certificates. The actual certificate runs on my production server, which is Solaris 2.8 on a Sparc E250, running only Tomcat and MySQL. In otherwords, the process should be portable.

The only other IMPORTANT item is the type of certificate. In my case, the only mistake in the whole original process (that caused everything to fail) was that I requested the wrong certificate type. Once the correct certificate was requested, it all worked - and has been working ever since!

The type you want is "PKCS #7" no other type worked for me (we tried them all <G>).

If you cannot get it to work with JUST Tomcat at all, get a refund and RUN (don't walk) to the Thawte website and get one of theirs.



DISCLAIMER: I have no connection whatsoever with Thawte. I receive nothing for endorsing their certificate. The only reason I endorse Thawte is that I know their certs do work with Tomcat, and their tech support is pretty good.

Subject: Re: Help! Anyone successfully install a purchased certificate?

They do have Apache instructions. But I guess I better
request that soon before the warranty runs out. LOL

They have instructions for how to do create and
install it with generic Java based servers but it
hasn't been specific enough with Tomcat.


--- Ian Hunter <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>From what I understand, some different certificate
vendors require different
installation methods... Did they include
instructions for IIS or Apache, for

Worst possible case you could front-end your site(s)
with Apache and use
connectors to get to Tomcat.

----- Original Message -----
From: "Matt Fury" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Thursday, February 20, 2003 3:58 PM
Subject: Help! Anyone successfully install a
purchased certificate?

> Has anyone successfully installed a purchase root
> certificate? I've purchased a cert from
> and they haven't been much help.
> I've done everything I am supposed to but it just
> won't get recognized when I hit the page. I know
> Tomcat SSL is working because a self-generated one
> works fine but when I try to import the purchased
> cert, when a user hits the page it just thinks its
> still a self-generated one.
> Any ideas? I've started with a clean keystore and
> luck.
> -Matt

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@echo off


rem 1. BE SURE JAVA (I use SDK 1.4) is installed and WORKING before you begin...
rem 2. unremark the lines with asterisks '*' for each step in the process.
rem    the batch file is run once for each step.
rem 3. BETWEEN Step 2 and 3, you must copy the CSR to the appropriate place on the
rem    Thawte website and request the PKCS#7 certificate. It will arrive by email
rem    once all the 'paperwork' has been processed. Save this as a text file 
rem    and proceed to step 3.
rem 4. Of course, you will have to modify the field data to suit your actual 

rem STEP 1. - generate the .keystore file (self-signed certificate)

rem remove the .keystore file or step 1 will fail
rem*    if exist .keystore del .keystore

rem generate the self-signed certificate
rem*   keytool -genkey -alias tomcat -keyalg RSA -keystore .keystore -dname 
", OU=myc, O=My Company Name, L=MyCity, S=MyProvince, C=CA" -storepass 
rem*    copy .keystore keystore.private

rem STEP 2. - generate the csr (can be done together with step 1)

rem remove the -csr.txt file or step 2 will fail
rem*    if exist *-csr.txt del *-csr.txt

rem make the appropriate CSR -
rem*    keytool -certreq -alias tomcat -keystore .keystore -file myc-csr.txt 
-storepass mypassword

rem STEP 3. - after the signer has issued the certificate, import it into a new 
.keystore file

rem import thawte certificate -
rem*    keytool -import -v -alias tomcat -trustcacerts -keystore .keystore -file 
myc-thawte.txt -storepass mypassword

rem verify the keystore (I do this for every step)
    keytool -list -keystore .keystore -storepass mypassword

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