Hi all, 

i am a strupid newbe. and have simple question.

my asp have to use a class, but i do not know how ?

I give you my test files:
------ test.asp / in the root directory of tomcat:
        test t = new test();

and now the test.java:
import javax.servlet.jsp.*;
import javax.servlet.jsp.tagext.*;
public class test extends TagSupport {
        public void test() throws Exception {
                JspWriter out = pageContext.getOut();
                out.print("ok. i am the class.");

i compailed it with standart java 1.4 javac test.java and put it in INF- and for 
testing in other directorys that contain classes...  or looks like it.

i run my asp in the tomcat env and get thi error:
cannot resolve symbol symbol : class test location: class 
org.apache.jsp.test_jsp test t = new test(); 

i also tried some things with includions, but failed everytime. I think 
it is the best do not tell you all the steps i done because all of it are 

Can you gurus please tell me how to make this little test working ? 

Thank you very much.

Best Regards 

Kris Wolff
Application Developer
dietzk. Interactive OHG
An der Schindhohl 7
D-65843 Sulzbach am Taunus
Fon +49 (0) 6196 4939-95
Fax +49 (0) 6196 758830

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