Quoting "Shapira, Yoav" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:

> Howdy,
> >Not sure I buy "...will result in much more efficient memory
> claiming...".
> Then benchmark it ;)  You will see a difference.

Someone did, and you're right, there was a difference ;-):


The point is really that it depends. My issues are with the word "will" (as in
it's always gonna be that way) and the implication that finalizers should be
part of your normal implementation. I'd say finalilzers are specifically for
abnormal situations where automatic memory management is insufficient for
cleaning up an object's resources. And even then, you're still better off doing
an explicit cleanup.

> For a short-lived object, the benefits may be negligible as you say.  My
> scenario is for a long lived cache type object.  In a full
> implementation, an explicit clear method would be present as well, and
> the finalize method would call the clear, but I wanted to put together
> the simplest, clearest example.

Sure, I understand the example has to be bite-sized. But even for a long-lived
cache object, if it's not reachable I want it gone as quickly as possible, not
when the VM gets a chance to run its finalizer. Yes, on average, it may not be
an issue for the VM to do that, but I don't want to get bit by that ~100MB cache
hanging around at the wrong time.

> >the least, implementing a finalizer extends the lifetime of an object.
> True, but typically by very little and in this example, IMHO the
> benefits (~100MB of memory cleaned up a second faster for an increase of
> several microseconds in execution time of my benchmark run) far outweigh
> this cost.

Well, I guess in a typical situation that one second wouldn't make a difference
either. But under heavy load you can't really make any claims about when the
finalilzer gets run because it's unspecified.

> >preferable to make it explicit (e.g. add a clear method to MyClass).
> An explicit clear method has its uses as well, and I nearly always
> include them in all implementations.  But so does the finalizer() in
> ensuring the most efficient possible shutdown internally, without
> relying on the user to call a clear() method.

That just seems like too much of a generalization. In fact, it's possible that
finalizers may never be run. I'm much happier with a system that behaves
predictably and relying on finalizers is a step in the opposite direction.

> Yoav Shapira
> Millennium ChemInformatics
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