hey CHONG ~

i think that i have got my all the answers here in the mail u send me. gosh , i never knew all these details are lying behind my implementation thought of a good database. i really went through all the details u gave me here. anyways i am thinking now more seriously about the FILE SYSTEM and its implementation.

anyway, if i get more doubts on this topic, i will put those questions here, thanx all !

Swapneel Dange

From: Chong Yu Meng <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Reply-To: "Tomcat Users List" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: Tomcat Users List <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: JDBC & ORACLE implementation !
Date: Thu, 20 Feb 2003 17:11:35 +0800

Hi Swapneel !

I need you to clarify something : are you processing the files first, then putting them into the database, or are you putting all the raw data inside the database and doing SQL operations to extract the data you want ? I am assuming that you want to do the second option, am I right ? I need to make a few other things clear :

1. If you are committing 1MB of data into the database per operation, that would take a looong time, and I'm not sure if that is the most efficient, or even the easiest way to do what you are trying to do. Why I say that is, Oracle is fine when you break up the data and commit, perhaps line by line, to the database. Not very fast or efficient, but still manageable. My experience of Oracle, though limited, has not exactly given me much confidence in its ability to handle huge data in individual fields. Stuff the fields with too much data, and try to work with them, and you will realize the necessity to tune Oracle. I'm not an expert on Oracle, nor do I care to be, so I won't try this.

2. String manipulation with Java 1.4 is possible and quite easy, now that it supports regular expressions. If, like me, you'd like to do things the "hard way", you can use the string handling functions in Java to do the processing for you. It's actually a lot easier than it sounds. I refer to O'Reilly's Java Cookbook for examples on this.

3. The least risky way (and some would say, the lazy way) is to just improve on the existing code -- use the FILE SYSTEM solution that already exists and extend the functionality, fix bugs, or improve the GUI. It's not because you may be "re-inventing the wheel", as some may say, if you choose to implement it in a database. I am assuming that you don't have a lot of time, and there is no in-house expertise you can refer to (i.e. programmer friends where you live, that you can ask), and, as you say, you are coming into this for the first time. As a rough indicator (and I invite others to correct me), it takes :

- 1 month to understand Oracle
- 2 weeks to get JDBC working the way you want
- 2 weeks or more to work out the business logic
- 1 week to figure out how to draw graphs
- 2 weeks to fix bugs
- 1 week to understand the deployment environment
- 1-2 weeks to fix problems related to the deployment environment
- Total : 14 weeks

That's more than 3 months, and assumes that you devote yourself 100% to the project. A filesystem solution however takes :

- 1 week to learn about file i/o
- 1 week to learn how to do string manipulation
- 1 week to learn graphs
- 2 weeks to fix bugs
- 2-3 weeks to deploy
- Total : 8 weeks

You might want to just go with a simple file system solution for now, and slowly work out how to do the rest later, when you are not hurried. It really is better.

pascal chong

Swapneel Dange wrote:

hey CHONG !

yepp, i think i am hurrying too fast, and i have the FILE SYSTEM with me but the thing is that i need a sytem is which i can atlesat shoud be able to do something like this --

1) strip of the files of the un-necessary content.
2) then use the data for searching patterns.
3) apply the patterns to the unsual causes.
4) then use the data to relate to GRAPHS

right now i am using a file system in which i cant perform the string matching and other operatoins. moreover all thsi has to be implemented on teh WINDOWS NT or XP. so i am sure as to how u implement somethign like shell scripting in windows. anyways thats more or less knowledge i ahev about al lthis.

will be great to hear from u about all this ! thanx !

Swapneel Dange

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