Hello all,

After successfully configuring mod_jk2 to enable communication in between Apache and tomcat, I have couple of questions. I will love to know the answers.:

1. With Ajp13 is it necessary to run tomcat & apache on same IP? Here is the scenario:
For me Apache is running of real IP( and tomcat is listening on localhost at port 8009.
If I goto, I can see the output from Apache. but If I type I get HTTP 400
If I goto
http://localhost/examples i can see the all outputs.
I think if I make changes in server.xml and workers.properties(make same IP), I should be able to get the output even on I have not tried though.

2. What is the use of mod_jk2.conf. The default file that comes with tomcat has all the lines commented. If I get any line uncomented I get following error:
SEVERE: can't create apr. ( Is this apr related to WARP protocol?)
& java could not find some logging class.?
I even tried to make changes in catalina.sh to alter CLASSPATH but no avail

After reading the documentation, it seems mod_jk2.conf can be automatically generated. In case of mod_jk there are certain parameter that kept in server.xml will generate in file, should be follow same direction/

3.It seems to me if I want to use Unix domain socket ( which should be faster), all I need to do is to uncommnent releted lines in mod_jk2.properties. But for me tomcat never created any socket file ? please let me know if anyone knows the trick.

Thanks you.

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