
I have a web application where I let users log in through an applet. If the
user is verified I call another website from the applet like this

      AppletContext appletContext = getAppletContext();

Now I have a big problem and I am not sure where it actually is.

On my local machine (Win2k prof) all is workrng fine and the new site is
loaded. This works in IE6 and Netscape 7.

But I also have a Win2k server where I also runTomcat. There it just works
with Netscape. If I try to log in in IE, it crashes and is even not
responding anymore. It crashes right after the showDocument call.

I was testing it with Tomcat 4.18 and 4.12. Same effect. I also tried with
ports 8080 or 80 or whatever. Same thing.

Does anyone know where the problem is? Is it IE, Tomcat or Win server?

Christian Schuster

Rudolf Schuster AG
Postfach 277
CH - 3000 Bern 11

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