Aaron Stromas said:
> Hi,
> I am seeking advice resoving this problem. We use Apache 1.3 with
> Tomcat 4.0 and mod_ssl 0.9.6. When the servlet mounts are configured
> with the SSLVerifyClient directive set to "none" all works fine, but
> when the directive value is set to "require" it returns 404 "Not found"
> HTML page.
> Has anyone encountered this? If so, what is the solution? TIA.

I had a typo in the URI I used in my testing! The error code I get,
according to the Apache log is 200 and the text is "Exception:  Unwrapped
Data cannot be parsed:". Sorry for being sloppy with my original post.

Aaron Stromas         | "Tik-tik-tik!!!... ja, Pantani is weg..."
[EMAIL PROTECTED]        | BRTN commentator
+1 (301) 493 4933     | L'Alpe d'Huez
http://www.izoard.com | 1995 Tour de France

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