I have read all the messages on this list that refer to problems accessing remote web pages through a firewall. Based on this information, I've added -Dhttp.proxySet=true -Dhttp.proxyHost=my.proxy.host -Dhttp.proxyPort=portnum to the CATALINA_OPTS in the catalina.bat file.

This still doesn't work.

I can write a standalone Java program that runs from the command line with the same proxy settings, and it works just fine. But when I move the same code into a servlet, the servlet can't access the network. So http.proxyHost and so on are correct, but within Tomcat it doesn't work.

Since no one else is having this problem, it is likely that this is something about the configuration of our network. If anyone can suggest what might be causing this, I would have something that I could take to the sys admins here.


Steven Gollery

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