On Friday 14 March 2003 09:16 am, krip pane wrote:
> All,
> Can someone please help with running the admin
> application (running on solaris 2.8, tomcat4.1.18).  I
> keep getting the following errors (truncated):
> 2003-03-13 09:17:18 WebappLoader[/admin]: Deploying
> class repositories to work directory
> /opt/jakarta-tomcat-4.1.18/work/Standalone/localhost/admin
> 2003-03-13 09:17:18 WebappLoader[/admin]: Deploy class
> files /WEB-INF/classes to
> /opt/jakarta-tomcat-4.1.18/webapps/../server/webapps/admin/WEB-INF/classes
> 2003-03-13 09:17:18 WebappLoader[/admin]: Deploy JAR
> /WEB-INF/lib/struts.jar to
> /opt/jakarta-tomcat-4.1.18/webapps/../server/webapps/admin/WEB-INF/lib/stru
>ts.jar 2003-03-13 09:17:19 ContextConfig[/admin] Exception
> processing JAR at resource path
> /WEB-INF/lib/struts.jar
> javax.servlet.ServletException: Exception processing
> JAR at resource path /WEB-INF/lib/struts.jar
>         at
> org.apache.catalina.startup.ContextConfig.tldScanJar(ContextConfig.java:930
> ----- Root Cause -----
> java.io.IOException: Permission denied
>         at
> java.io.UnixFileSystem.createFileExclusively(Native
> Method)
>         at java.io.File.checkAndCreate(File.java:1313)
>         at java.io.File.createTempFile(File.java:1401)
>         at java.io.File.createTempFile(File.java:1438)
> Please help.

Make sure the user that runs Tomcat owns CATALINA_HOME all the way down or has 
a write permission for it.

If it's a real pain, do this (dangerous because you are making CATALINA_HOME 
writable for everyone):

chmod a+wx $CATALINA_HOME


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