Has anyone ever gotten this configuration to work:

Tomcat 4.1.x  connected to Apache 1.3.27 on Mac OS X using the mod_jk2

I have gotten it to work using the mod_jk connector, but I would like the
status functionality in mod_jk2.

There is no OS X binary available for mod_jk2 - I got to compile using the
APXS Makefile, but when I add the module into my Apache conf, I get:

Cannot load /usr/libexec/httpd/mod_jk2.so into server: (reason unknown)

The mod_jk2 docs mention something about needing the APR libraries, but is
this only for use with the JNI worker?

If anyone has gotten this to work or can offer some pointers, I would
appreciate the help.

Eric Jacobson

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