You might have a context in your server.xml config file which points to a previous version of your deployment. May be in %TOMCAT_HOME%/work/Standalone/localhost/yourapp or something like that.

It depends on how you deploy your apps but I removed the context in my server.xml and it works fine.

Hope it helps


At 16:20 2003-03-17 +0100, you wrote:
I used to have that problem, and I solved it restarting Tomcat each time it
didn't show the new code. But this was in my own PC. I don't know if you can
be restarting your server this way.
Anyway, try this other solution, sometimes works in mine: delete all the
files generated by Tomcat when it receives a JSP. I mean, delete the servlet
code in which Tomcat transform the JSP files (both the .java and .class).
They are placed in <Tomcat_folder>\work\DEFAULT\ROOT\<your_app_folder>, at
least in my PC.

Hope it helps,

-----Original Message-----
Sent: Monday, 17 March, 2003 14:12
Subject: Web developer's problem

Hello, We have 6 computers in a network and one of the PC is Win 2000 Server and all other PC's are with Win 98. We have installed Tomcat 4.0.6 in the server so that all other PC's can share it.

When we upload a new file to the server(tomcat), we dont get the new files
out put, instead we get old files output only.
e.g a.jsp has been updated which is already present in the server, but dont
show the updated file and only show the old file.

Can any one help us figure out the exact problem? And how to over come it?

Web Developers

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