I copied some code I picked up from a website about application and session scope. Can someone explain how setAttribute and getAttribute works? what do the actual parameters do? also when i use jsp useBean, i usually have a name, which is the name of my instance. Where in servlet code does it use that name?


ps pls look at code below

<jsp:useBean class="foo.Counter" scope="application" />

The servlet equivalent of the above useBean action is:

foo.Counter counter = (foo.Counter)getServletContext().getAttribute("counter");
if (counter == null) {
counter = new foo.Counter();
getServletContext().setAttribute("counter", counter);


<jsp:useBean id="counter" class="foo.Counter" scope="session" />

The servlet equivalent of the above useBean action is:

HttpSession session = request.getSession(true);
foo.Counter counter = (foo.Counter)session.getValue("counter");
if (counter == null) {
 counter = new foo.Counter();
 session.putValue("counter", counter);

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