
I've got a site up and running which uses Tomcat via Apache2 and mod_jk2
(only - no direct access to Tomcat).

I manage logins using standard session management via cookies.

Some of the site is accessible by http, other bits are accessible via https.
This is managed by mod_rewrite in Apache.

I've noticed that if I make the login page an http page, the session cookie
is sent to the server in both http and https requests, so the person appears
logged in.

However, if the login page is accessed via https, the session cookie is only
sent to https requests, not http requests, so the user appears not logged in
on the non-secure pages.

I understand that this could usually be desirable behaviour - it keeps a
cookie given out over https secure.

However this is not the behaviour I want.  I want the login page to be https
to protect the password, but I want the session cookie to be passed in http
requests too.  Is there a way to make a cookie passed over https accessible
to http requests?  Is Tomcat doing this or Apache?

Is this clear?

Any suggestions or pointers to further reading would be very much

Best regards,


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