On Thu, 27 Mar 2003, Pat McGroin wrote:

> Date: Thu, 27 Mar 2003 11:20:49 -0800 (PST)
> From: Pat McGroin <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> Reply-To: Tomcat Users List <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> Subject: shared resources
> Hello.
> I am trying to reference a few JAR files from an out-of-process Tomcat
> 4.1.18 application.
> The Tomcat 4.1 documentation says that unpacked shared classes and
> resources will be loaded out of the <tomcat_root>/shared/classes
> directory and packed shared resources are loaded out of
> <tomcat_root>/shared/lib:
> http://jakarta.apache.org/tomcat/tomcat-4.1-doc/class-loader-howto.html
> I put a few JAR files in <tomcat_root>/shared/lib but they are never
> loaded. I can move them into my <webapp root>/WEB-INF/lib and they are
> loaded without problems.
> Am I misunderstanding how resources are found in Tomcat 4.1?  The
> context I am using is not within <tomcat_home>/webapps.  It is in an
> entirely diferent directory.  Could that be the problem?
> I posted a simliar question a few days ago but was not yet properly
> subscribed so I apologize for the duplication.
> Thanks in advance for any help!

When accessing resources with getResource()/getResourceAsStream(), it is
important to remember that there are two different implementations of
these things, which operate quite differently:

ServletContext.getResource() and ServletContext.getResourceAsStream():
* Can be used to access static resources within your web application
* Resources is specified as a context-relative URI starting with "/"
* For example, to read the web.xml file as a resource, you would use
  a resource path of "/WEB-INF/web.xml"
* It doesn't matter whether your webapp is running from an unpacked
  directory or a WAR file, or where the directory/WAR is actually

ClassLoader.getResource() and ClassLoader.getResourceAsStream():
* Can be used to access resources embedded within the class loader
  (or class loader hierarchy)
* For a standalone app, that means somewhere on your classpath
* For a webapp installed in Tomcat 4.1, and assuming you're starting
  with the webapp class loader, it checks there and up the hierarchy
  as described in the Tomcat documentation.
* Resource path must match the directory or package structure of
  the resource to be retrieved.
* Resource resolution works just like class loading resolution in
  terms of which class loader is searched first.

To access a resource from a JAR file in shared/lib, then, you will want to
make sure you're using the second kind of resource retrieval methods.
After getting the right methods called, the next most common problem is
getting your resource path to match the nested directory structure within
whatever JAR file is holding the resource.


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