I have setup IIS with isapi_redirector2.dll to map all requests to
www.server.com/foo to my Tomcat server running ajp13 (using jk2) on port
8009. This works well. However, Tomcat (4.1.20) is running a servlet
with access to sensitive data, so I want to make sure not just anyone
can access /foo. As it stands now, the rest of the website (.asp pages)
are all password protected. So, the first time a user attempts to access
a page, they have to authenticate and then are able to access the
remaining pages as long as their session is kept alive. I want to place
/foo behind the same password scheme.

However, currently anyone can make their own web page with an <applet>
tag with "codebase='http://www.server.com/foo'" and can access the
sensitive servlet. I want to deny this behavior, so basically that comes
down to two requirements:
1) User directly requests /foo -> Request denied
2) User requests http://www.server.com/page.asp which requests /foo ->
Request succeeds

Note that I don't have access to the servlet source, and I would rather
not edit the isapi_redirector2 source if I don't have to. I can't
imagine I'm the first person to have this issue, so I'd like to know a
solution! If you can help, I'd very much appreciate it.

Thank you 
   - John

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