Hi everyone,

I wrote some taglibs which are running on tomcat 3.3, and use 
a body content.
For example, there is one for formatting buttons position on 
the page in functions of their type (action on the form or 
link). The idea of it is to create a dynamic spearation 
between the two types of buttons and let the actions ones 
allways at the same palce in tha page. It work with a main tag 
call "buttons" with a body content and nested tags "button" 
which update "buttons" property during the compilation (and 
particularly a boolean variable used for designed the first 
action button).
So each button increase a value into button for giving the 
number total of buttons involved in the print out and when the 
first button action is found, the boolean variable is set to 
true (instanced at false a the declaration), then at the end 
of the button tag, it format the page in function of the 
updated values.
This tag works perfectly, but I choose to work with Struts 
1.1, so i have to migrate to tomcat 4.1.24. 
But now, my tag works when I call the jsp at the first time, 
but if I refresh it (or I call back it) it ignores the boolean 
variable like if it was not reinitialised at the running of 
the tag! So I am a bit confused about the way to fix it, 
perhaps the new tomcat manager keep to much things in cache... 
So if you have any ideas, I can be very useful!!!
If you had not understood all my explanation (because of my 
English) do not hesitate to ask me more precision.

Cheers for the help

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