
If you're still considering a web single sign-on solution for Apache/Tomcat, take a look at Cams. It's much more cost-effective than SunOne Identity server, and gives you quite a bit of value add over Apache or Tomcat security:


Let us know your thoughts,


Tim O'Donnell wrote:
Hi all,

I was hoping someone here could confirm a suspicion of mine, as I've been
unable to uncover a definitive answer searching other forums (web, javasoft
forum, mailing list archives).

I've setup Apache web server to perform basic auth against a webapp
directory in tomcat. I'm using the jk connector to forward certain contexts
and jsp requests to Tomcat. The authentication works as expected. However,
the REMOTE_USER (via request.getRemoteUser() method) environment variable
returns null when I try to access it from Tomcat. That variable, however, is
populated when I inspect it with the printenv cgi-script running in Apache.

Is this simply because Apache and Tomcat are two separate containers and
don't share that environment info? Or am I doing something wrong?

I suspect what I'm trying to do isn't possible, but I'd really appreciate
someone confirming this for me.

Thanks for your time,


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Gary Gwin

*                                                               *
*   The Cafesoft Access Management System, Cams, is security    *
*   software that provides single sign-on authentication and    *
*   centralized access control for Apache, Tomcat, and custom   *
*   resources.                                                  *
*                                                               *

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