I just downloaded the 4.1.24 connectors source and
could not get the ant task to build.  It fails while
in mod_jk.  It appears that there is at least one
include file missing, but I have not taken the time to
debug it.

However, if you change directories to
<distribution>/jk/native2 and do the following,
mod_jk2 will build.

1. chmod u+x buildconf.sh
2. ./buildconf.sh
3. ./configure --with-apxs2=<location-of-apxs> \
4. make

mod_jk2.so and jkjni.so will be in

They seem to be a little smaller than the ones built
from the connectors source.

TCP socket connections work fine on Redhat 9, but I am
still unable to get UNIX sockets (unresolved symbol
apr_md5_final) or inprocess communication to work.

I'll probably experiment more with it this afternoon. 
I am thinking this is an artifact of the way libraries
are installed via Redhat rpms.

Please note that I am using apache 2.0.46 built from
source with the following configure command:

./configure --with-mod-ssl=shared --with-modules=all

I am not using the Redhat rpms for apache.

For Redhat 9, you'll need to set an environment


to get the appropriate encryption routines to compile
for httpd-2.0.46.

Please also note that http://localhost/server-info/
reports mod_jk2 as 2.0.3-dev when built from

just my two cents . . . .

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