
I am trying to get JK2 ISAPI working on my windows 2000 box. IIS starts up
but when I try to access a servlet I get an HTTP 500 response with "The
handle is invalid". The next request IIS gets (regardless of whether it's a
servlet request or not) causes inetinfo.exe to crash with a memory

I have followed all the instructions I can find but to no avail. Please
excuse the long post but I want to let you know what I have already tried.

The machine is windows 2000 server with IIS 5 and .net framework installed,
and all the latest patches. I am using tomcat 4.1.18 on jre 1.4.0, but I
don't think it's getting as far as tomcat (netstat reports no connections on
8009). JK1.2 works fine in this configuration and non-servlet web stuff
works OK. The ISAPI extension shows as an up-arrow in IIS, and my IIS
virtual root for /jakarta works OK.

Here is my workers2.properties file:

info=Ajp13 forwarding over socket
info=Map the whole webapp

I have tried it with and without the [shm] section and the symptoms are the
same. The shared memory file does get created so clearly something is

My jk2.properties file contains only comments. Here is my windows registry:

[HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Apache Software Foundation\Jakarta Isapi

(anyone know where the debug is supposed to come out?)

Thanks in advance for any hints

--- Tim

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