This is the best I could find:
Each application is loaded with sepperate classloaders, so as long as the
servlets are in the same application and the singleton is in it's classpath
too it works.

My singleton has to work *across* applications.

Any ideas?

Thank you very much.

Antonio Fiol

Tim Funk wrote:

Look in the archives and search for past Singleton discussions.

Otherwise ...
- EJB (???)
- Use a custom JNDI Factory (see tomcat jndi docs)


Antonio Fiol Bonnín wrote:


This question is probably not specific to Tomcat, but a Tomcat-specific answer could well suit my needs.

I have an application which I have split in several different contexts. I have done so, to allow different kinds of access to the app, depending on the web server the requests are coming from.

However, I need a common unique component that "ties" all the contexts together.

There must be a *single* instance of this component, otherwise inconsistencies or duplicate work might arise. OTOH, it must be accessible from all the contexts.

Calls to this component are very simple (calls to void methods) but moderately frequent.

I have thought of several possibilities:

- Extract the component into a separate JVM, and connect to it via socket.
- Extract the component into another context, and connect to it via HTTP.
--- I like none of those.

- Create the instance from the first context needing it, and making it available to all of them.
--- I like this best, but I have no idea of how to do that.

Yours sincerely,

Antonio Fiol

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