This is my first try at setting up a JDBC Realm.
I have read the how-to's and I also have the book "Mastering Tomcat Development" to help me figure it out but I still need help.

I am trying to use Form Based Authentication and Oracle JDBCRealm.

I get error: "No Realm has been configured to authenticate against"

My error log:

2003-07-08 11:25:32 WebappLoader[/hd]: Deploying class repositories to work directory /var/tomcat4/work/Standalone/localhost/hd
2003-07-08 11:25:32 WebappLoader[/hd]: Deploy class files /WEB-INF/classes to /var/tomcat4/webapps/hd/WEB-INF/classes
2003-07-08 11:25:32 WebappLoader[/hd]: Reloading checks are enabled for this Context
2003-07-08 11:25:32 ContextConfig[/hd]: WARNING: Security role name tomcat used in an <auth-constraint> without being defined in a <security-role>
2003-07-08 11:25:32 ContextConfig[/hd]: No Realm has been configured to authenticate against
2003-07-08 11:25:32 ContextConfig[/hd]: Marking this application unavailable due to previous error(s)
2003-07-08 11:25:32 StandardManager[/hd]: Seeding random number generator class
2003-07-08 11:25:32 StandardManager[/hd]: Seeding of random number generator has been completed
2003-07-08 11:25:32 StandardContext[/hd]: Context startup failed due to previous errors


I am modifying the default server.xml that installs with Tomcat 4:
I am not sure if I need the "UserDatabaseRealm".  Here it is commented out!

     <!-- This Realm uses the UserDatabase configured in the global JNDI
           resources under the key "UserDatabase".  Any edits
           that are performed against this UserDatabase are immediately
           available for use by the Realm.  -->
      <Realm className="org.apache.catalina.realm.UserDatabaseRealm"
                 debug="0" resourceName="UserDatabase"/>

      Realm className="org.apache.catalina.realm.JDBCRealm"


My WEB-INF/web.xml file:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="ISO-8859-1"?>

<!DOCTYPE web-app
    PUBLIC "-//Sun Microsystems, Inc.//DTD Web Application 2.3//EN"

      <web-resource-name>Protected Area</web-resource-name>
      <!-- Define the context-relative URL(s) to be protected -->
      <!-- Only methods listed will be protected -->
    <!-- Anyone with one of the listed roles may access this area -->
    <realm-name>Form-Based Authentication Area</realm-name>

Any help greatly appreciated.


* Rick Roberts                            *
* Advanced Information Technologies, Inc. *

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