Nope. Rethink your design. There is a thread pool which can serve a request for any resource (read: jsp or servlet) in any webapp.

In a servlet environment - you should avoid creating threads yourself since you have a high *chance* at concurrency issues.

There was a recent thread in tomcat-dev about being able to kill threads through "JVM magic" (my choice of words). I can't state how credible the solution is, I can just say the topic was proposed. But if the soln is correct - could be helpful for killing inifite loops.


Agarwal, Naresh wrote:
Web apps in tomcat run in threads spawned by Tomcat. Do we have any control on these threads?
I want to perform some Init and UnInit operations at the time creation and destruction of these threads. Is it possible to do with Tomcat threads?
thanks & regards,
Naresh Agarwal

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