Sounds like you have more than one copy of Apache running, and the copy of Apache you are modifying isn't the running copy.

Also, change your JkLogLevel to "info".

Also, please post the output of "apachectl configtest".


On Tue, 15 Jul 2003 15:44:24 +0200, Werner van Mook <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

Hi John,

Thanx for your response.

I did all that is in your HOWTO.
I still have no luck with it.

I downloaded : from jakarta.apache....etc and renamed it to

Could you please have look ?
Or some else of course.

This is a piece of my localhost_log file :

2003-07-15 15:17:02 StandardHost[]: Installing web application at context path /Friss from URL file:/usr/jakarta-tomcat- 4.1.24/webapps/Friss
2003-07-15 15:17:02 WebappLoader[/Friss]: Deploying class repositories to work directory /usr/jakarta-tomcat- 4.1.24/work/Standalone/
2003-07-15 15:17:02 WebappLoader[/Friss]: Deploy class files /WEB- INF/classes to /usr/jakarta-tomcat-4.1.24/webapps/Friss/WEB-INF/classes
2003-07-15 15:17:03 ContextConfig[/Friss]: Configured an authenticator for method FORM
2003-07-15 15:17:03 StandardManager[/Friss]: Seeding random number generator class
2003-07-15 15:17:03 StandardManager[/Friss]: Seeding of random number generator has been completed
2003-07-15 15:17:03 StandardWrapper[/Friss:default]: Loading container servlet default
2003-07-15 15:17:03 StandardWrapper[/Friss:invoker]: Loading container servlet invoker

Here are some parts of the auto generated mod_jk conf file :

######### Auto generated on Tue Jul 15 15:16:47 CEST 2003##########

<IfModule !mod_jk.c>
LoadModule jk_module /etc/httpd/modules/

JkWorkersFile "/usr/jakarta-tomcat-4.1.24/conf/jk/"
JkLogFile "/usr/jakarta-tomcat-4.1.24/logs/mod_jk.log"

JkLogLevel emerg


#################### ####################

# Static files
Alias /Friss "/usr/jakarta-tomcat-4.1.24/webapps/Friss"

<Directory "/usr/jakarta-tomcat-4.1.24/webapps/Friss">
Options Indexes FollowSymLinks
DirectoryIndex index.html index.htm index.jsp

# Deny direct access to WEB-INF and META-INF # <Location "/Friss/WEB-INF/*"> AllowOverride None deny from all </Location>

<Location "/Friss/META-INF/*">
AllowOverride None
deny from all

JkMount /Friss/login/j_security_check  ajp13
JkMount /Friss/klanten/Login  ajp13
JkMount /Friss/admin/Werktijden  ajp13
JkMount /Friss/admin/UpdateExpertise  ajp13
JkMount /Friss/admin/Logout  ajp13
JkMount /Friss/kapper/Confirm  ajp13
JkMount /Friss/klanten/Datum  ajp13
JkMount /Friss/Store  ajp13
JkMount /Friss/klanten/Kapper  ajp13
JkMount /Friss/Tijd  ajp13
JkMount /Friss/klanten/StoreNaw  ajp13
JkMount /Friss/*.jsp  ajp13
JkMount /Friss/klanten/Behandeling  ajp13
JkMount /Friss/admin/Personeel  ajp13
JkMount /Friss/klanten/Naw  ajp13
JkMount /Friss/admin/OpeningsTijden  ajp13
JkMount /Friss/admin/Behandel  ajp13

substitute the 3 dots with the 'standard' tomcat webapps.

I added this to my httpd.conf :

LoadModule jk_module modules/

and at the end :

Include /usr/jakarta-tomcat-4.1.24/conf/auto/mod_jk.conf

Starting tomcat.........wait 10 or more seconds ........ start apache

If I try to get to I still get a 404 file not found.

In the error log file for apache it says :

[Tue Jul 15 15:36:22 2003] [crit] (98)Address already in use: make_sock: could not bind to port 80

I can still go to (which is a normal website with some static pages).

Kind regards,

Werner van Mook
Java Lead Developer / Trainer
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