Post the JK2 configuration of your httpd.conf and
and your AJP Connector configuration of tomcat/conf/server.xml and tomcat/conf/

What Apache/mod_jk2/Tomcat version are you using?

Is Tomcat running, are any errors in tomcat/logs/catalina.out?

Did you build mod_jk2 with jni or any extra flags?

At 16:26 16.07.2003 -0700, you wrote:
Hi, I can't figure this one out, I have Tomcat and Apache talking to each
other thru jk2 all fine and dandy except for this error on startup of Apache:

[error] mod_jk child init 1 0

which in turn, I suspect, spawns these errors:

[error] Error ajp_process_callback - write failed
[error] ajp13.service() ajpGetReply recoverable error 3
[error] Error ajp_process_callback - write failed
[error] ajp13.service() ajpGetReply recoverable error 3
[error] ajp13.service() Error  forwarding ajp13:localhost:8009 1 0
[error] mod_jk.handler() Error connecting to tomcat 3

I have lost the battle...looking for any insight at all!

TIA, Rick

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