Hi list,

I am sorry if this is an off topic. I am just not sure where my problem
really is located.

I have a web application which I start through web start. I do set the
session timeout to 30 min for security reasons. So when the session is
expired and the client tries to access again the server I sent back a
session expired object. On the client I can see that the object was read
from the input stream and that the stream is closed. I even can access some
stuff in that object. But on the server I get the following exception

Jul 17, 2003 5:25:12 PM
INFO: SocketException reading request, ignored

I also have the problem that my web application just hangs after this but
it does not by the same action and the server has still a valid session.

So, can my hanging application be connected to this Socket Exception

Thanks for any info.

Christian Schuster

Rudolf Schuster AG
Postfach 277
CH - 3000 Bern 11

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