that error_log message typically comes up if is not found or loaded
put the following in global httpd.conf (not into a (SSL) VirtualHost):
JkSet config.file /path/to/

Also check that Apache hast permissions to read it,
and that you don't have and IfModule directives before which don't work properly.

At 18:11 17.07.2003 +0100, you wrote:
Hi all,

I have installed Apache and Tomcat together in various configurations - using modwebapp initially but now under mod-jk2. I can't get mod-jk to work because when I use it I get permission 403 errors from all the web application contexts and the following message appears twice in the error_log :

'(2)No such file or directory: Error while opening the workers, jk will not work'

If anyone can throw light on this I would appreciate it, I would investigate mod-jk further. This leads me on to the true reason for trying different configurations - I want to get the SSL client certificate from a servlet request object. I know that modwebapp does not support this so I have been trying to do it using mod-jk2.

I understand I need a call like:

X509Certificate jsseCerts[] = (X509Certificate [])

but this just returns null. Interestingly the following call


returns 'true'



returns 'https'

Can anyone help? Is there a good howto or tutorial out there? Is it actually possible?

Thanks in advance.


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