1. is it possibly apply aliases to tomcat?
For example: the webapp-root is "/www/mywebapp". 
I want to mount an directory "/other/directory/help" to the name "help"
(httpd.conf: alias /help other/directory/help). But when i'm calling
http://mywebsite/help it crash's with a 404 error:o( . When i'm using JRUN,
all is okay. Jrun handle aliases without problems. But Tomcat don't???

2. is the Option "JkMount /*.jsp worker1" the same as "JkMount /*/*.jsp
worker1"? Or means "/*.jsp" only the *.jsp in the root of my webapp?
Can i wrote something like that: 
        "JkMount /servlet/* worker1
        JkMount /anotherdirectory/servlet/* worker2"
and it works? How about regexpressions in the JkMount-option? 

thanks very match

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