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Rick Roberts wrote:

This sounds reasonable to me.
But, if I don't have a <Context/> element in server.xml then how do I provide <Context/> type information to Tomcat?

<!-- NSFS Context --> <Context path="/nsfs" docBase="nsfs" debug="0" reloadable="true" crossContext="true"> <Logger className="org.apache.catalina.logger.FileLogger" prefix="nsfs_log." suffix=".txt" timestamp="true"/> </Context>

manually creating the nsfs/ directory did not help.
however; if i manually create the nsfs/ dir and manually unpack the .war file everything works fine.

another question:
did I correctly create the nsfs.war file and test it by doing the following?:

1. cd to the webapps/nsfs/ directory
2. jar -cvf nsfs.war *
3. cp nsfs.war ../.  (the webapps dir)
4. rm -rf nsfs/
5. restart tomcat
6. use browser and navigate to http://localhost/nsfs



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