500 errors can be webapp generated errors. You should get a 500 error if you do the following in a servlet:
String more = "cowbell;
more = null;

Tomcat (or any container) will trap the null pointer exception and wrap it into a ServletException. The nullpointer exception is exposed during error processing as defined in "Table SRV.9-1 Request Attributes and their types" in section 9.9.1 of the spec.


Shapira, Yoav wrote:

Are Custom Error pages available for 500 errors?

500's are tough, as they are internal server (i.e. not your webapp's)
errors.  I don't recall the spec on this point, but at some point I
thought error page customization only had to be available for 300 and
400 range HTTP status.

As 500's can occur anywhere in the request processing pipeline, it's
difficult to provide the custom error page hook for them.

This is under tomcat 4.0.4. (Although production will be under

Not a good idea: there are significant differences between the 4.0.x and
4.1.x branch of tomcat, and you should at least test, if not develop, on
4.1.24 before deploying to it.

Yoav Shapira

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