If you need to run NT as a service, use this tool to set it up. It makes life pretty nice.

-Tim http://jakarta.apache.org/tomcat/faq/windows.html

Robert Porter wrote:
I agree with your view on memory usage on a client, but what I am not clear
on is do those settings constitute a "hard" limit for Tomcat/JVM? And if so,
what happens when the limit is exceeded, or it attempts to. What we see now
is a gradual increase in memory usage over a 10 - 15 minute period, followed
by an abend of the Tomcat service. If we run the Tomcat session in a window,
using the stock Startup.bat file included with the binary distribution
memory usage stays flat. This is what led me to wonder if some of these
memory parameters to the JVM (during the install of the service) might be
required. I am guessing that the stock install of the service does not set
any limit on memory usage?  Is this true?  Thanks in advance!


Bob Porter

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