On Fri, Feb 26, 2010 at 10:01 PM, Valerie Bubb Fenwick
<valerie.fenw...@sun.com> wrote:
> While I've not actually disable something before in bugzilla, I
> do have the priveleges to do so and imagine I can figure it out...
> so, sure, I'll do it! :)

Generally you would mark a product as 'closed for new bugs', that
doesn't prevent people from dragging a bug from your closed product
into another (open) product, nor does it prevent people from otherwise
poking bugs in the closed products, but it will prevent people from
adding bugs to them, which is generally sufficient. You'd also
probably move the Product to another Classification.

Please note that closing operates at a product level (not
classification, not component).

Warning: the instructions below assume that there are other components
in the product in question. There aren't in this case which means
changing the classification and marking the product as closed for bugs
is sufficient (it's really that simple!).

What's described below is just for future educational purposes (in
case I drop off the face of the earth or something).

... What this generally means is that you need to create another
product (in most Bugzillas that i control/influence/manage, that's
called "Graveyard", however I'd imagine that wouldn't be appropriate
Sun/... nomenclature, so I'd probably suggest "Retired' instead),
you'd then create a component with the same name/description/default
assignee/default qa/etc as the component from the product you're
burying/retiring. You'll also want the destination product to have all
the Versions and Target Milestones of the source product (at least for
all bugs you're moving, but only if you want to keep an accurate
record of the state of bugs when you move them, if you don't care,
things are simpler).

The fun part is moving bugs. Personally, I feel that it's important to
inform people that their bugs are being buried, however you may feel
it isn't (this 'inform' step involves sending bugmail for each bug).
Note that you'll want the Graveyard/Retirement product to be generally
'closed for new bugs', however instead of using the universal
checkbox, you'll temporarily edit group access controls for the
product and set them for 'entry' on an admin group (to which you, the
mover, are a member). This will enable _you_ to enroll bugs for
burial/retirement but prevent other people from sticking bugs where no
one will look.

If you don't care about bug's losing their version/target milestone,
you'd just do a query for all bugs in the component you're removing,
and then use 'change several bugs at once' (or add &tweak=1 to the
url...), select all, change the product to the Graveyard/Retirement
product, set the version and target milestone to something arbitrary
(or leave it, don't worry, you'll be nagged in a moment), and select
commit. At this point, you get an intermediate page which asks you to
confirm version, component, and milestone. If you filled something in
the previous page, they should all be prefilled, but either way,
you'll just check the triple you want and select commit. At this
point, bugs will start moving (and mail will start queuing) -- you
might have wanted to send people a heads up a few days in advance, so
they could choose to stop watching the component (to avoid bugmail).

If you do care about keeping versions/target milestones, then you'll
want to use a table report.
1. click Reports at the bottom of bugzilla
2. click Tabular reports
3. for horizontal axis, select version
4. for vertical axis, select target milestone
5. select classification Development
6. select product osnet-pkg
7. select component build (* at this point you'll realize there's only
one component and that you don't need to do all this work)
8. ensure that either all or none of the 'status' and either all or
none of the 'resolution' options are set (i.e.. you don't want any
other search criteria beyond 5/6/7.
9. click 'generate report'
10. for each cell with a number in the generated report, you'll do
roughly the steps described in the preceding paragraph, except that
bugzilla will helpfully prefill the version/milestone values in that
second page so you don't need to do anything about then in the page
where you pick the product.

once you're finished, you can restore the 'closed for new bugs' and
remove the entry requirement on your retirement product (to ensure
your fellow admins don't accidentally move a bug into the product, or
get confused about the list of valid products for filing bugs).
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