On Solaris 10 SPARC, -o /dev/null would get an error like what you got:
s10u8% cat foo.s
        .global foo
foo:    retl
        ldd     [%o0],%d0
s10u8% /usr/ccs/bin/as -o /dev/null foo.s
/usr/ccs/bin/as: File exists
/usr/ccs/bin/as: error: cannot open output file "/dev/null"
s10u8% /usr/sfw/bin/gcc -c -o /dev/null foo.s
/usr/ccs/bin/as: File exists
/usr/ccs/bin/as: error: cannot open output file "/dev/null"

I tried the SPARC assembler on Solaris 10 GA as well as Solaris 9 9/05,
with exactly the same result.

I'm not suggesting this behavior is desirable or correct.
I'm saying there has been no change in behavior in this regard
since at least as far back as Solaris 9.
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