timeless <timel...@gmail.com> writes:

>> If it is, it would be very unusual: in any other bugzilla installation I
>> know (GCC, NTP, ...), you can reply by mail.
> actually those installations are atypical. replying to bugmail is not
> generally acceptable as there's no way for bugzilla to determine that
> the sender is really the sender. out of the box bugzilla does not
> accept inbound mail (there are ways to arrange it, but ...).

Which is a pity (same for lack of initial bug submission via mail):
using a proper editor instead of some lousy browser is a *huge*
advantage (as would be offline bug creation where the mails are
submitted when you reconnect).  Anyway, I'm used to those installations
and learned to love them, so the d.o.o bugzilla is a regression for me.

>> At least, the
>> sender/reply-to address should be changed so replies bounce instead of
>> being queued for 5 days before being returned as undeliverable.
> Bouncing would indeed be a good idea.

True: silently loosing replies (or at least queuing them for 5 days
before the submitter learns that nobody has seen his response) doesn't
exactly create confidence in the bug submission procedure ;-(  If this
happens too often, you won't get further bug submissions/responses from
the affected user ;-(

In addition to bouncing, a prominent note in the bugzilla mails might
help, too.

Rainer Orth, Center for Biotechnology, Bielefeld University
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