
This message is probably some days late or some days soon to be
answered, since Mozilla HQ is closed, but anyway... :-)

Since last time I checked the code, and IIUC, L20n JS implementation
code has moved to Fluent (if I'm wrong with this assumption, feel free
to dump the rest of my message and just tell me to keep looking to
L20n code). However, I remember that, despite not being a fluent (pun
intended!) JS reader, I had almost no difficulties to find a package
in L20n JS implementation aimed to get a full AST able to be used in a
localization tool. In my case, it was a candidate package to be ported
to Java.

However, I'm facing some more difficulties to find the equivalent for
Fluent. In the README.md of Fluent-JS:


it is said that four packages exist and that they can be installed
independently. fluent-syntax is said to be a parser. However, the How
to use section is minimal and not illustrative, and the referenced
link (http://projectfluent.org/fluent.js/fluent-syntax) is basically a
mirror of the README.md, with another link
(http://projectfluent.io/fluent.js/fluent-syntax) leading to a 404.

Since L20n, or FTL now, is starting to land in desktop products, I'd
like to review the code to see if I would really be able to port it to
Java. So, what should I look to implement to get an AST parser?


Proyecto NAVE - http://www.proyectonave.es/
Mozilla Localization Project, es-ES Team
SeaMonkey Volunteer - https://www.seamonkey-project.org/

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